Live-In Ikondo Residents
“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails" Proverbs 19:21
The Bright family, originally from Montogmery, Alabama never thought they'd call Haiti home. However, due to divine intervention by the Holy Spirit, they are now the live-in family at Ikondo, working as missionaries in Haiti, and eagerly serving mission teams.
Rebecca and Mike have been married for 22 years and have three boys: Nick (20), Will (18) and Grayson (14). Mike was originally a chef, and Rebecca specialized in hospitality and travel, working for and airline company for many years.
In 2012, encouraged by Rebecca's prompting, the Bright family took a week long trip to Haiti. During this time their hearts became burdened as they learned more about the orphan epidemic in Haiti.
As parents, it was hard for Rebecca & Mike to imagine how heart-wrenching it must be for a mother or father to feel that the best life for their child would be with someone else. They came to deeply admire organizations like the Hands and Feet Project (HAFP) who worked to rescue orphans and, whenever possible, to keep Haitian families intact.
In 2014, they saw a presentation by HAFP about their vision for a Mission Guest Village (MGV). They were intrigued by this pioneering approach to missions that would give work and dignity to the Haitian people by jump starting the travel industry in an impoverished nation. The MGV would bring together hospitality, travel, and food services—precisely what Rebecca and Mike had to offer.
They reached out to HAFP, and that February, Mike was invited to go to Grand Goave to help design the kitchen at the MGV (now known as Ikondo). Through that opportunity, they realized that God had been grooming them for years to serve in Haiti. They were "normal" people with "normal" jobs who were being called by God.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10
After another family trip the Holy Spirit confirmed their desire to go! In the summer of 2017, they moved to Grand Goave as the family in residence at Ikondo. They are excited to see how God is using the skills and talents He blessed them with to help His beautiful children in Haiti.
The Bright family truly believes that God has called them to Haiti to spread the good news of His gospel, to teach job skills to Haitians and ultimately, to be part of the movement to end the orphan crisis.
“No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.” John 14:18