Director of Ikondo & Trip Leader
Kenny Jones Jr. was first introduced to the Hands & Feet Project when he became the youth pastor at Journey Church and was trying to find an international mission trip for the youth over the summer.
He knew that Mark Stuart attended the church and had was the co-founder of the Hands & Feet Project. Hopeful that Mark would be able to help the youth plan a mission trip to Haiti through his organization, Kenny asked Mark to have lunch and talk about the possibility.
During their lunch, Kenny found himself being drawn into the Hands & Feet Project, their mission, and their vision and ended up setting up a second meeting to discuss the possibility of becoming part of the staff. The rest is history.
Part of why Kenny found himself so drawn to Ikondo was due to the vivid childhood memory of sitting with his brother in the back of a cop car waiting on Child Protective Services due to his troubled family life. He believes that this memory instilled a desire in him to help families work better together – both individually and holistically.
This experience led him to youth ministry and eventually to teaming up with the mission work at Ikondo. Through Ikondo and HAFP’s mission, Kenny has found a new way to help children and families stay together. He loves how their mission is both to care for the orphaned and abandoned, but furthermore to fight to keep Haitian families together.
Kenny now serves as the director of Ikondo. He oversees facility operations and is directly responsible for hosting and trip programming at Ikondo. He works one-on-one with trip leaders, allowing them to determine what they want out of the trip, so he can plan events accordingly.
Once in Haiti, Kenny helps host excursions, mission projects, and daily debriefs. However, his job doesn’t end when the trip is over.
Post-trip, he communicates with teams individually to offer assistance with anything they might still be wrestling with after their trip to Haiti.
Kenny also works on marketing and trip booking through contacting churches, organizations, etc. Most importantly, Kenny seeks to keep the vision and goal of Ikondo and HAFP at the center of everything they do. He can’t wait to share that vision with you!
Kenny currently lives in Franklin, TN with his wife, Deb, and their seven children (both biological and adopted). However, he considers Haiti a second home, and he would love to show you around sometime.